Addendum to the little things
Writing about sins is a tricky business when you are a sinner. We are all sinners. I write about sins not to preach about people being tossed in an eternal pit of fire and brimstone, but to prevent my brethren and sistren from falling to the little things.
I say little not because I see these trespasses as lesser, but because these are instances that are looked at as trivial by society. Who really questions Santa Claus and the "Easter" Bunny? Who sits in their armchair and wonders about the salvific implications of fortune tellers, and water fountains? Moi.
We may never know the full litany of our sins against the father, son and holy spirit. However, once we do find out about them, we understand that we have strayed from the will of the most high. The solution is prayer for strength and repentance.
I witnessed someone knocking on wood today. It reminded me of how many times in my life I have done the same. In America, people tell one another to knock on wood for good luck. This is so widespread that wood knocking is oft done subconsciously. That is even worse than a conscience knock. The subconscious knock means it is an ingrained prayer. Knocking on wood for luck is a switching of roles. The hierarchy is as follows; God, man, and then nature.
Read all of Genesis 3 for a better context, but here is Genesis 3:4-6
The snake said to the woman, "You won't die! God knows that on the day you eat from it, you will see clearly and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." The woman saw that the tree was beautiful with delicious food and that the tree would provide wisdom, so she took some of its fruit and ate it, and also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it.
Knocking on wood, and activities listed here, are a departure from the road to God. They confuse dominion. Humanity has dominion over nature, and nature's God has dominion over all. Nature can provide no wisdom that the lord cannot. We should not kneel before the alter of nature. Whether it be the finished product of a carpenter, or the raw tree of Eden.
Let any who knowingly and unrepentantly worship nature be anathema.
In the name of the father, son and holy spirit, one God, AMAYN.
let me find thy will and rid my soul of wickedness,
the closer I am to thy light, the more my trespasses will fade away,
I digest thy word so that this may be fulfilled,
I hold no grudges against my brethren and sistren as thou hold no grudges against me,
By thy grace, may this forgiveness spread as a pathogen unto the ages of ages.
Glory be to the father, son and holy spirit, one God, forever and ever, AMAYN LEYKOON.