Be Thankful for What You Have
በሰማያት የምትኖር አባታችን ሆይ፤ ስምህ ይቀደስ፤ መንግሥትህ ትምጣ፤ ፈቃድህ በሰማይ እንደ ሆነች እንዲሁ በምድር ትሁን፤ የዕለት እንጀራችንን ዕለት ዕለት ስጠን፤ ኃጢአታችንንም ይቅር በለን፥ እኛ ደግሞ የበደሉንን ሁሉ ይቅር ብለናልና፤ ከክፉ አድነን እንጂ ወደ ፈተና አታግባን። (Luke 11:2-4)
The common form of praying the Lord's prayer in the EOTC differs from the current Amharic translation of the Holy Bible. What do we do with this information? Some may look at it as a scandalon (stumbling block / scandal). Instead, I suggest that it is an example of how many variances can appear in translations. Extrapolate this idea to how many different monks have translated manuscripts of the OT and NT over centuries and continents. Amazing.
Isn't amazing that what we have is so consistent? People are scandalized by minutia of difference and yet they are not in awe of the overwhelming similarities. This reminds me of people who are angry at God for all He has not given them rather than praising Him for all that He has given them. Ingrates. There is no better word to describe them. May the Lord of Hosts keep us from being ingrates.
Furthermore, we must love each other.