Non-Magical Mushrooms
My old jujitsu stablemate, from back when Kron Gracie ran a gym in LA, started a company to kick his coffee habit goodbye. He’s not totally off of caffeine. He’s just reduced his intake roughly in half. His new drug of choice is called MUD/WTR. It’s a concoction of spiced chai and some non-magical mushrooms that are alleged to have health benefits, but have, as of yet, to the best of my knowledge, not passed through the gauntlet of rigorous Western double-blind studies and beyond. They’re just Eastern Lindy.
lion’s mane
I have tried them combined, in his potion, and it’s an acquired taste, but I do love it. It’s got quite the price tag; $50 for 30 servings or $90 for 90 servings. He drinks and recommends 1-3 cups a day, but you could survive with one a day no problem. If you’re preggers, and even if not, please consult a quack before experimenting on your body like the broscientists of Twitter and online forums.
I have been trying them all in isolation recently to see what if any impact each one has on me. This is super anecdotal, but I hope you find it helpful, and at least take it as food for thought.
Reishi has had no observable effect on me in isolation. Cordyceps grant me noticeably more stamina in sports and in making the beast with two backs. I’m still doing ongoing experiments with Chaga, but as of yet, nothing. Lion’s mane grants me much more lucid dreaming, and to boot, my first dream in negere aksum. I can say there is a waking cognitive boost as well, but it’s hardly noticeable. The dreams have me convinced of its power, though. Especially, after having binged Neil Gaiman’s The Sandman on Netflix. Highly recommend to fantasy buffs unoffended by creative license in mythos mixology.
Organic optimization is the aim. Observation and experimentation is the game. I’m a scientist.
Let me know if you have any experience with any of these.