Sam joins me on the latest Philosophy of Art and Science to deep-dive into Guragé culture. We nerdy and amateur diaspora philologers even reflect on the gé in Gura’gé, and in many other words.
It could mean house of or city-state of. He gives Guragé related examples (giragé, silTégé, harergé), here are my Amharic ones: ራስጌ rasgé (at the head of the bed) and ግርጌ girgé (at the foot of the bed). Here’s my Ge’ez example: ሐፄጌ hatségé (which changes overtime into እጨጌ iCHegé) literally, the one appointed whose power is in the vicinity of or in proximity to the emperor; dynamically, the abbot of the legendary debre leebanos monastery in shewa, where many of my paternal ancestors are buried (most recently my grandmother of the adeesgé clan of menz and tegwlet, at the tail end of 2019).
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