They say the economy is tough nowadays. Wait... who are they? News anchors, radio commentators, commissars et cetera. What's an economy? You and I deciding to trade a good or service- at times by force, but preferably peacefully. Whether you count yourself as unemployed or employed, I think you can decide the merits of different salaries offered by employers. Ceteris paribus, you would choose a million dollar salary over a six figure salary. What would you say if you were offered zilch, versus a blank check salary? What if you were offered death, or in its stead, eternal life?
God gives us this choice everyday. Everyday we have the choice to add to, or reduce our sin count. The choice to continue disobeying his ordinances, or to try to obey them all. The marketplace is privy competitive salary choices often. Your spirit has a choice that isn't so difficult.
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 6:23)